拉沃化工是一家领先的作物保护公司,提供对抗杂草、昆虫和疾病的解决方案。它是中国发展最快的全球运营化学研究机构之一。拉沃化工是为制药行业生产农用化学品和活性药物成分的技术和配方的先驱。Lavaur Chemical is a leading crop protection company, providing solutions to combat weeds, insects and disease. It is one of the fastest growing globally operating chemical research in China. Lavaur Chemical has pioneered the manufacturing of both Technicals & Formulations in Agro-Chemicals and Active Pharma Ingredients for Pharma industry.
Customer service, customer satisfaction
致力于产品质量和创新的行业领先专业知识和经验Industry leading expertise and experience committed to product quality and innovation
提供高效、低毒、低残留的农药,帮助农民种植并产生更多回报,通过保护作物和提高产量来改善农民的生活。Supply the high efficiency, low toxicy and low residue pesticides, to help farmer to grow and generate more returns, improve the farmers lives by protecting their crops and increasing the yields.
我们对农业充满热情,我们所做的不仅仅是一份工作。我们直截了当、一蹴而就的态度有助于我们专注于我们最关心的事情:帮助我们的客户创建更可持续、更有利可图的业务。 are passionate about agriculture and approach what we do as much more than just a job. Our straightforward, get-it-done attitude helps us stay focused on what we care about most: helping our customers create more sustainable, profitable businesses.